Vocal Presence and Leadership Communication Services

Patricia MulhollandWelcome! My name is Patricia Mulholland. I’ve had a truly rewarding career leading Leadership Presence programs across the globe for over 26 years as a senior affiliate of The Ariel Group, a Boston – based training company. As Covid conditions vastly altered the travel/training landscape, I left this role. I am now focused on bringing my own work in Leadership Communication and Vocal Presence to my community in Maine and beyond.

For all of my adult life, I have been an advocate of the arts – on the stage, in the classroom, and in the corporation. My work with clients is based on a deep conviction that each of us has a unique, authentic presence that is connected to an essential creative impulse within. Helping clients discover this energy, bring it forward and give it shape and form, allows them to be memorable and inspiring as they project confidence and credibility, connect with their audience and deliver messages with impact.

Guiding all of my work are four principles articulated by Anthropologist Angeles Arrian in her research of indigenous cultures. She describes these principles in her book “The Four Fold Way.” For me, this ancient wisdom constitutes a code of ethical behavior as we examine what makes communication truthful, authentic, and successful. The principles are:

  • Show up and choose to be present.
  • Pay attention to what has heart and meaning.
  • Tell the truth without blame or judgment.
  • Be open to outcome, not attached to it.

The name of my business, “Be Your Note,” is taken from the words of the 13th century poet Rumi.

Remember the lips where wind-breath

originated, and let your note be clear.


Don’t try to end it.

Be your note.


I’ll show you how it’s enough.

Go up on the roof at night

in this city of the soul.


Let everyone climb on their roofs

and sing their notes.

Sing loud!

We all have “a note” that we long to speak and be heard speaking. Helping my clients to do this with power as well as humility, with rigor as well as grace, with head as well as heart, is at the center of my work as a teacher and a coach.

The work is fun, challenging, and can be transforming! 

Interested? To learn more feel free to
• Call me at 207-467-3372
Email me

I look forward to connecting with you.